Simone Coleman

Aug 6, 20222 min

He sustains us!!

We’ve all had days where we’ve been so tired and felt like we couldn’t go on any longer. We pushed placing one foot in front of the other with prayers lifted that God would strengthen us. But how remarkable is it that God will take the little energy we have to give and use it to do magnificent things?!?! God doesn’t require much of us in our toughest of moments. He wants us to cry out to him and give ourselves completely to him not just in the good times but the rough times as well. James 4:7 tells us, "Resist the devil, speak against all physical harm and he/it will flee." There can be no bad day when God's word supports, directs us, uplifts, and strengthens us!!!

I am a warrior and a believer that you can always trust Gods heart even when you can’t understand his hand!!

Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place!!!


Believe + Receive = Become

In addition to recalling my past and how far God has brought me, I find that biblical affirmations are uplifting to my spirit and hopefully yours as well! If it helps, create an index card with some or a jar full of positive affirmations and pull one daily. :)

God sustains us ALL!!!!


  • Hope is confident expectation that God is going to do what he says he will do. It’s up to us to never give up and know Gods got it!

  • Sometimes all you have is hope. If that’s you, hang on. He is faithful.

  • You can’t appreciate the night without going through the midnight

  • Sometimes in life we have to walk alone.

  • Right thing is not always the easy thing big it’s the strong thing

  • I’m thankful for my struggles because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength

  • Gods plan for us predates the progress we’ve made and trials we’ve faced. No matter what comes into our life- Gods plan will be fulfilled. (Exclude the external opinions of others!) In this journey, as long as God is with you- you can overcome it. Everything you need, God of the Universe can provide!

  • Know not just what you do that brings fulfillment but what you were built and created to do!

#affirm #positiveaffirmations #GodIsStillGood #Hopefilled #HopeLives #Believer #Faithfilled #MindOverMatter
