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  • Writer's pictureSimone Coleman

In the Face of Adversity

Adversity is necessary in life to build character and to make us stronger. I tried often not to view my challenges as disadvantages. Every adversity, heartache, or setback carried a seed of an equal or greater drawback for me. Growing up I would hear faith the size of a mustard seed will carry you through. I begin to see those words come to pass in my own life, it changed my perspective. All I needed was faith the size of a mustard seed to get me through my battle.

Along with believing it I began to read it too. My spiritual walk begin to give me comfort, I read many scriptures when battling cancer that I can share with you. (Jeremiah 17:14, James 5:14-15, Exodus 15:26, Isaiah 41:10, and Jeremiah 30 :17) Jeremiah 30:17 tells me that He will restore my health and heal my wounds! I can speak from my own experience that God has remained true to his word, I am in good health, and my wounds are healed!

These very challenges only made me stronger. Not knowing my purpose in this chapter of my life was one challenge in itself, but a bigger challenge was finding the courage to follow it and live it in the face of adversity. I had to choose to ignore the negative nancies, unfortunately they do exist. Even though this topic is still sensitive, there are still people who won't understand all that goes into this battle and won't have empathy or compassion. It is unfortunate but I can't dwell on it, instead I have to let those who want to love and be there, be there. Lately, I've realized that it's more than I could have ever asked for.

I remained faithful and focused on my path to beat this illness. When I made that choice, my happiness had less to do with forces outside of me and more to do with what’s inside of me. Happiness is an inside job. It’s a choice. I chose to be happy, I chose to let certain people in my circle during this catastrophic time of my life, and to this day I am happy that I did.

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