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  • Writer's pictureSimone Coleman

Simply Still Believe

Living in today's world with so much uncertainty, concern for our nation, and for the generations behind us, it can cause our faith to wither. Some may wonder if God allows this to happen that faith no longer exist. We don't believe things can change until we see it for ourselves. Don't worry we've all been there. Have you ever considered the thought that when we pray, that we are supposed to believe that we receive answered prayers by faith, and we will get the manifestation of it? In God's holy kingdom, we have to believe it first, and then we see it! All things are WORKING for our good referenced in Romans 8:28, I place emphasis on it’s working, because it's just that it’s in the process. You must perceive it that it’s already working for your good!

Within the last two weeks I came across a Christian movie called “I Still Believe”, a song called “Still Believe”, and concept of Confidence and Belief in my Grace Girls session! It’s not by coincidence that this happened, God ordained it for me to experience such confirmation that I needed. When doubt creeps in and the devil tries to destroy everything God meant for good, it's hard to believe. Sometimes in life we need to have those heart to heart talks with God about our hurt, pain, confusion, and even our questions. I have those with my Heavenly Father about what's on my heart whether it be about family, career, friends, loved ones, and even my enemies. Even in my wilderness season where things seem to go the opposite of what I pray for and desire, how do I continue to press on? Between the movie, the song, and the women’s fellowship session at my church, it was a reminder to continue to believe in God by keeping the faith. Faith is not worrying in the midst of disparity. It was shared that in the season of what may seem like suffering, God is still able. Suffering doesn’t destroy faith, it refines it!! We suffer to grow closer to God and so we can rely solely on Him. You have no choice but to believe in Him to change it around for your good. To this very day, despite all that life has thrown my way, I Still believe in God! I am not perfect, but I try to walk in confidence and maintain a level of integrity even when doubt & negativity creep in. In order to have confidence you must first have faith. Doubt can sneak in when we don’t hear from God, but it's the spiritual posture that helps shape you and allows you to move forward. When it comes to faith you have a choice whether you yield to it, give in, or give control-your doubt, your relationships, etc. It’s a choice to choose faith, it’s never a feeling! Don’t deny your negative experiences but choose to believe, prayer, and speak the word to the situation. Surround yourself by people to fill your faith and not people that fill your doubt! Alright! Word of God says: “I will believe!” In Matthew 21:22 Jesus said, "If you believe, then you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer". Gods' ears turn toward what we pray for. He hears our every word in faith. As Peter was the only one who walked on water besides Jesus himself, but he was also the only one who got out of the boat. Until we make a decision to believe, and then act on that belief, nothing will happen.

Continue to believe! God is still working, and we must continue to have strong faith and confidence in ourselves but most of all God!


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